Monami Appointed as Main Contractor for LIDL Dock Road Limerick!

Monami Appointed as Main Contractor for LIDL Dock Road Limerick!

Monami Construction have been appointed as Main Contractors on the New LIDL Strore at Dock Road, Co. Limerick.

The project will consist of the demolition of 3 no. warehousing/industrial/office buildings and associated structures (totaling 4,145 sqm Gross Floor Area and ranging in height between one and three storey), the change of use of an existing single storey office building (Protected Structure) to a café/coffee shop with associated internal alterations (109 sqm Gross Floor Area), site development works and outdoor plaza seating area, and the construction of a New LIDL Store of 3 storey height (2,715.9 sqm Gross Floor Area) with undercroft parking providing 53 no. car parking spaces, surface car park providing a total of 100 no. car parking spaces, sales and checkout area with ancillary off-licence at first floor, and internal plant room at mezzanine second floor.

The project has an 8 month programme and is due for completion in Feb 2023.

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