Monami Construction have commenced work on the Southville Service Station, Ballinacurra Road, Limerick for INVER Energy Ltd. The works consist of:
Change of use from car rental office & car wash facility to a service station (former use), including the demolition of all structures on site, and the construction of a new 2-storey service station of 353m2 gross floor area incorporating a net convenience retail area of 100m2, and an ancillary hot food deli and food preparation area on the ground floor, with a seating area on the upper floor.
The forecourt area will comprise of a canopy with illuminated corporate signage and 4no. fuel dispensing locations; 1no. car charging point; 4no. 40,000 litre underground fuel storage tanks with associated pipework and overground fill points; included is a service bay and a roll over/brush wash facility in an enclosed structure. Parking will comprise of 15no. car parking spaces (including 1no. disabled parking space) and bicycle stands.
The development will also consist of a refuse compound; modifications to the existing 2no. vehicular accesses from Ballinacurra Road and a new pedestrian access; illuminated signage; lighting; all associated boundary treatments, 3no. flagpoles, landscaping, and site drainage works.
The project has an approximate value of €1.12 million with a programme of 5 1/2 months and is due for completion at the start of November 2015